Sunday, July 12, 2009

Rain On The Stage

So this past week we played Indianapolis, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Toronto, and Montreal.
Cleveland was a blast. My roommate from LA was back at home in Canton and drove out to the show with his cousin. We had a good time and managed to get lost in the city (even with a GPS), it reminded me of the old times when we first moved out to LA. 

Paramore played a surprise show, they were amazing. I put some pics up on my Facebook, we got so close. I got to meet Hayley (the singer) for a few mins and take a pic, which I look absolutely ridiculous in lol.

Toronto's show was alright. Some of the other bands told us the Canada shows are always a little smaller, and they were right. Montreal's show was interesting lol. It started raining hardcore about 15 mins before we were supposed to go on. The stage ended up being one huge puddle and the roof was leaking water. I went pedalboard less to prevent me getting electricuted for the second time in my life. 

We ended up playing our best set of the tour so far. We had a really great crowd, our energy was way up, and we sounded really tight. The only thing that sucked was when the wind came and blew the rain right in our face and taking all the gear back to the bus with the rain pouring down.

Today, we're in Hartford, CT. I have a feeling this will be a good one to, but I'm really looking forward to the day off tomorrow to chill out for a bit.

Sunday, July 5, 2009


So we're in Dallas today. We played at noon and the sun wasn't even out but I was completely soaked when I got off stage. I looked down at my guitar when I was taking a solo and just puddle of sweat went down on the stage. Today's show and Houston went really great, we're sounding really tight. New Mexico & San Antonio were pretty good, but we still had some problems to deal with. 

We stopped in Austin yesterday for the 4th. We spent most of the day hanging out at the hotel, doing laundry, showering, and I recorded some guitar tracks for a new song I've been working on. We went down to 6th street and grabbed dinner, walked around, and saw fireworks. It was really fun, and great to see some of the places I played with Mandi at SXSW this past March.

We supposedly got invited to hang out at the late Dimebag Darrel's house tonight, hopefully we'll end up going. Tomorrow is another day off and it looks like we'll be in Nashville! I'm pretty excited, I've always wanted to go there.

I'm pretty bummed I can't get the live broadcasts from Oasis cause our internet is too slow. The podcasts will have to do for now I guess.